What Is a Cross-Game?

When watching any media it’s easy to let viewers to form expectations based on the past. This can lead to the feeling of being disappointed when something does not live up to those expectations. Cross Game is a shounen that shows that a simple story of baseball and love can have stunning endings.

The main characters in the show are all memorable from the four street sisters to Ko’s best friend Daiki. This small ensemble is what makes the whole show so memorable that they can bring the character of each and atmosphere to every scene that they are in. They are able to handle topics like love and death easily and provide more depth than you’d expect from a simple shonen.

Cross Game is unique because it knows how to direct its attention. The characters are well-developed, but there’s not much drama or twists in each episode. This allows the viewer the chance to enjoy the development of relationships without being distracted by the need for emotional tension or a plot that is constantly trying to surprise readers with new twists and suspenseful cliffhangers. Cross Game is a wonderful film due to its avoidance of all of these pitfalls. The genre could benefit from a lot more of this.


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